
synnefo || ns || apt || mq || db || gunicorn || apache || webproject || astakos || cms || pithos || cyclades || kamaki || backends


ganeti || image || gtools || network

Ganeti Setup

In ganeti nodes install GRNet specific Ganeti package and enable drbd:

# apt-get install python-bitarray
# apt-get install snf-ganeti ganeti-htools
# modprobe drbd minor_count=255 usermode_helper=/bin/true

The following apply to master node. Here we will create a Ganeti cluster with all available ganeti nodes. Please note that Ganeti needs a pair of rsa/dsa keys for the root user. If already exist in /root/.ssh/ in all nodes then –no-ssh-init can be used. In omitted then the existing files will be overriden. Upon node add Ganeti will replace /etc/ssh/ssh_host* files with the master’s ones:

# gnt-cluster init --enabled-hypervisors=kvm \
                   --vg-name=ganeti \
                   --nic-parameters link=br0,mode=bridged \
                   --master-netdev eth0 \
                   --default-iallocator hail \
                   --hypervisor-parameters kvm:kernel_path=,vnc_bind_address= \
                   --no-ssh-init --no-etc-hosts \

# gnt-cluster modify --disk-parameters=drbd:metavg=ganeti
# gnt-group modify --disk-parameters=drbd:metavg=ganeti default

# for n in node2 node3 node4 node5 node6; do
    gnt-node add --no-ssh-key-check --master-capable=yes --vm-capable=yes $

We need to add a rapi user to Ganeti so that Synnefo can talk with the backend:

# result=$(echo -n "synnefo:Ganeti Remote API:example_rapi_passw0rd" | openssl md5)
# echo "synnefo {HA1} $result" >> /var/lib/ganeti/rapi/users
# /etc/init.d/ganeti restart

Test your Setup:

In master node run:

gnt-cluster info
gnt-node list
gnt-network list
gnt-instance list