.. _network-api-guide: Cyclades/Network API Guide ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Introduction ============ The Network Service of `Synnefo `_ is implemented as part of Cyclades. It exposes the OpenStack `Networking ("Neutron") API `_ and some `extensions `_ with minor modifications if needed. This document's goals are: * Define the Cyclades/Network REST API * Clarify the differences between Cyclades/Network and OpenStack Neutron API Operations ============== .. rubric:: Networks ====================================== ================================= ====== ======== ======= ========== Description URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ====================================== ================================= ====== ================ ========== `List <#list-networks>`__ ``/networks`` GET ✔ ✔ `Get details <#get-network-details>`__ ``/networks/`` GET ✔ ✔ `Create <#create-network>`__ ``/networks`` POST ✔ ✔ Bulk creation ``/networks`` POST **✘** ✔ `Update <#update-network>`__ ``/networks/`` PUT ✔ ✔ `Delete <#delete-network>`__ ``/networks/`` DELETE ✔ ✔ `Reassign <#reassign-network>`__ ``/networks//action`` POST ✔ **✘** ====================================== ================================= ====== ================ ========== .. rubric:: Subnets ===================================== ======================== ====== ======== ======= ========== Description URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ===================================== ======================== ====== ================ ========== `List <#list-subnets>`__ ``/subnets`` GET ✔ ✔ `Get details <#get-subnet-details>`__ ``/subnets/`` GET ✔ ✔ `Create <#create-subnet>`__ ``/subnets`` POST ✔ ✔ Bulk creation ``/subnets`` POST **✘** ✔ `Update <#update-subnet>`__ ``/subnets/`` PUT ✔ ✔ Delete ``/subnets/`` DELETE **✘** ✔ ===================================== ======================== ====== ================ ========== .. rubric:: Ports =================================== ==================== ====== ======== ======= ========== Description URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron =================================== ==================== ====== ================ ========== `List <#list-ports>`__ ``/ports`` GET ✔ ✔ `Get details <#get-port-details>`__ ``/ports/`` GET ✔ ✔ `Create <#create-port>`__ ``/ports`` POST ✔ ✔ Bulk creation ``/ports`` POST **✘** ✔ `Update <#update-port>`__ ``/ports/`` PUT ✔ ✔ `Delete <#delete-port>`__ ``/ports/`` DELETE ✔ ✔ =================================== ==================== ====== ================ ========== .. rubric:: Floating IPs ========================================== ======================================= ====== ================ ========== Description URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ========================================== ======================================= ====== ================ ========== `List <#list-floating-ips>`__ ``/floatingips`` GET ✔ ✔ `Get details <#get-floating-ip-details>`__ ``/floatingips/`` GET ✔ ✔ `Create <#create-floating-ip>`__ ``/floatingips`` POST ✔ ✔ Update ``/floatingips/`` PUT **✘** ✔ `Delete <#delete-floating-ip>`__ ``/floatingips/`` DELETE ✔ ✔ `Reassign <#reassign-floating-ip>`__ ``/floatingips//action`` POST ✔ **✘** ========================================== ======================================= ====== ================ ========== List networks ------------- List networks accessible by the user .. rubric:: Request ============= ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============= ====== ================ ========== ``/networks`` GET ✔ ✔ ============= ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: networks: [ { : , ... }, ... ] The attributes of a network are listed `here <#network-ref>`__. *Example List Networks: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks { "networks": [ { "id": 2718 "name": "Public IPv6 Network" "status": "ACTIVE" "router:externa"l: true "updated": "2013-12-18T11:11:12.272389+00:00" "user_id": None "links":[ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks/2718" "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks/2718" "rel": "bookmark" } ] "created": "2013-12-17T17:15:48.617049+00:00" "tenant_id": None "admin_state_up": true "SNF:floating_ip_pool": false "public": true "subnets":[ 28 ] "type": "IP_LESS_ROUTED", "public": true }, { "id": "3141", "name": "My Private Network", "status": "ACTIVE", "router:external": false, "updated": "2014-02-13T09:40:05.195945+00:00", "user_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks/3141", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks/3141", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "created": "2014-02-13T09:40:05.101008+00:00", "tenant_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "admin_state_up": true, "type": "MAC_FILTERED", "subnets": [], "SNF:floating_ip_pool": false, "public": false } ] } Get network details ------------------- .. rubric:: Request ========================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ========================== ====== ================ ========== ``/networks/`` GET ✔ ✔ ========================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Network not found =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: network: { : , ... } The attributes of a network are listed `here <#network-ref>`__. *Example Get Network Details: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks/3141 { "network": { "id": "3141", "name": "My Private Network", "status": "ACTIVE", "router:external": false, "updated": "2014-02-13T09:40:05.195945+00:00", "user_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks/3141", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/networks/3141", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "created": "2014-02-13T09:40:05.101008+00:00", "tenant_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "admin_state_up": true, "type": "MAC_FILTERED", "subnets": [], "SNF:floating_ip_pool": false, "public": false } } Create network -------------- .. rubric:: Request ============= ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============= ====== ================ ========== ``/networks`` POST ✔ ✔ ============= ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request body contents:: network: { : , ... } ================= ================ ========== Network Attribute Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ================= ================ ========== type required **✘** name ✔ ✔ admin_state_up **✘** ✔ shared **✘** ✔ tenand_id **✘** ✔ ================= ================ ========== * **type** Valid values are the same as in ``network_type`` of `a network <#network-ref>`_. * **name** a string * **admin_state_up**, **shared** and **tenantd_id** are accepted by Cyclades/Network, but they are ignored .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 201 (OK) Network created 400 (BadRequest) Invalid request body (invalid or missing type) 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Network not found =========================== ===================== In case of success, the response has the same format is in `get network details <#get-network-details>`_. Update network -------------- .. rubric:: Request ========================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ========================== ====== ================ ========== ``/networks/`` PUT ✔ ✔ ========================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request body contents:: network: { : , ... } ================= ================ ========== Network Attribute Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ================= ================ ========== name ✔ ✔ network_id **✘** ✔ admin_state_up **✘** ✔ shared **✘** ✔ tenand_id **✘** ✔ ================= ================ ========== * **name** a string * **network_id**, **admin_state_up**, **shared** and **tenantd_id** are accepted by Cyclades/Network, but they are ignored .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Network is updated 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) You are not the owner of the network 404 (itemNoFound) Network not found =========================== ===================== In case of success, the response has the same format is in `get network details <#get-network-details>`_ containing the updated values. Delete network -------------- .. rubric:: Request ========================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ========================== ====== ================ ========== ``/networks/`` DELETE ✔ ✔ ========================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 204 (OK) Network is deleted 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Network not found 409 (Conflict) The network is being used =========================== ===================== .. note:: *409 (Confict)* is raised when there are ports connected to the network or floating IPs reserved from its pool. The subnets that are connected to it, though, are automatically deleted upon network deletion. Reassign Network ---------------- Assign a network to a different project. .. rubric:: Request ================================= ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ================================= ====== ================ ========== ``/networks//action`` POST ✔ **✘** ================================= ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= Request Header Value ============== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ============== ========================= Request body contents:: reassign: { project: } .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 400 (Bad Request) Malformed request 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) Not allowed to modify this network (e.g. public) 404 (Not Found) Network not found 500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an \ internal error 503 (Service Unavailable) The service is not currently available =========================== ===================== List subnets ------------ List subnets of networks accessible by the user .. rubric:: Request ============ ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============ ====== ================ ========== ``/subnets`` GET ✔ ✔ ============ ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: subnets: [ { : , ... }, ... ] The attributes of a subnet are listed `here <#subnet-ref>`__. *Example List subnets: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets { "subnets": [ { "user_id": null, "name": "IPv6 Subnet of Network 2718", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets/8172", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets/8172", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "network_id": "2718", "tenant_id": null, "dns_nameservers": [], "enable_slaac": true, "public": true, "allocation_pools": [], "host_routes": [], "ip_version": 6, "gateway_ip": "2001:123:4abc:5678::9", "cidr": "2001:876:5cba:4321::/64", "enable_dhcp": true, "id": "8172" }, { "user_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "name": "IPv6 Subnet of Network 3141", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets/1413", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets/1413", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "network_id": "3141", "tenant_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "dns_nameservers": [], "enable_slaac": false, "public": false, "allocation_pools": [], "host_routes": [], "ip_version": 6, "gateway_ip": "2001:321:4abc:8765::9", "cidr": "2001:678:5cba:1234::/64", "enable_dhcp": true, "id": "1413" } ] } Get subnet details ------------------ .. rubric:: Request ======================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ======================== ====== ================ ========== ``/subnets/`` GET ✔ ✔ ======================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 201 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Subnet not found =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: subnet: { : , ... } The attributes of a subnet are listed `here <#subnet-ref>`__. *Example Get subnet Details: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets/1413 { "subnet": { "user_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "name": "IPv6 Subnet of Network 3141", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets/1413", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/subnets/1413", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "network_id": "3141", "tenant_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "dns_nameservers": [], "enable_slaac": false, "public": false, "allocation_pools": [], "host_routes": [], "ip_version": 6, "gateway_ip": "2001:321:4abc:8765::9", "cidr": "2001:678:5cba:1234::/64", "enable_dhcp": true, "id": "1413" } } Create subnet -------------- .. rubric:: Request ============ ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============ ====== ================ ========== ``/subnets`` POST ✔ ✔ ============ ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request body contents:: subnet: { : , ... } ================= ================ ========== Subnet Attribute Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ================= ================ ========== network_id required required cidr required required fixed_ips ✔ ✔ name ✔ ✔ tenand_id **✘** ✔ allocation_pools ✔ ✔ gateway_ip ✔ ✔ ip_version ✔ ✔ id **✘** ✔ enable_dhcp ✔ ✔ ================= ================ ========== * All the attributes are explained `here <#subnet-ref>`__. * **ip_version** must be set to 6 if ``cidr`` is an IPc6 subnet * **tenand_id** and **id** are accepted but ignored .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 201 (OK) Network created 400 (BadRequest) Invalid request body (missing network_id or cidr) 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) Insufficient permissions 404 (itemNoFound) Network not found 409 (Conflict) Allocation pools overlap with themselves or gateway =========================== ===================== In case of success, the response has the same format is in `get subnet details <#get-subnet-details>`_. Update subnet ------------- .. rubric:: Request ======================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ======================== ====== ================ ========== ``/subnets/`` PUT ✔ ✔ ======================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request body contents:: subnet: { : , ... } ================= ================ ========== Subnet Attribute Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ================= ================ ========== network_id **✘** ✔ cidr **✘** ✔ fixed_ips **✘** ✔ name ✔ ✔ tenand_id **✘** ✔ allocation_pools **✘** ✔ gateway_ip **✘** ✔ ip_version **✘** ✔ id **✘** ✔ enable_dhcp **✘** ✔ ================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Network is updated 400 (BadRequest) Field is not modifiable 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) You are not the owner of this subnet 404 (itemNoFound) Subnet not found =========================== ===================== In case of success, the response has the same format as in `get subnet details <#get-subnet-details>`_ containing the updated values. List ports ---------- List ports connected on servers and networks accessible by the user .. rubric:: Request ========== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ========== ====== ================ ========== ``/ports`` GET ✔ ✔ ========== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: ports: [ { : , ... }, ... ] The attributes of a port are listed `here <#port-ref>`__. *Example List Ports: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports { "ports": [ { "status": "ACTIVE", "updated": "2014-02-12T08:32:41.785217+00:00", "user_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "name": "Port to public network", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports/18", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports/18", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "admin_state_up": true, "network_id": "2718", "tenant_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "created": "2014-02-12T08:31:37.782907+00:00", "device_owner": "vm", "mac_address": "aa:01:02:6c:34:ab", "fixed_ips": [ { "subnet": "28", "ip_address": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21ab" } ], "id": "18", "security_groups": [], "device_id": "42" }, { "status": "ACTIVE", "updated": "2014-02-15T08:32:41.785217+00:00", "user_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "name": "Port to public network", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports/19", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports/19", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "admin_state_up": true, "network_id": "2719", "tenant_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "created": "2014-02-15T08:31:37.782907+00:00", "device_owner": "vm", "mac_address": "aa:00:0c:6d:34:bb", "fixed_ips": [ { "subnet": "29", "ip_address": "" } ], "id": "19", "security_groups": [], "device_id": "42" } ] } Get port details ---------------- .. rubric:: Request ==================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ==================== ====== ================ ========== ``/ports/`` GET ✔ ✔ ==================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Port not found =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: port: { : , ... } The attributes of a port are listed `here <#port-ref>`__. *Example Get Port Details: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports/18 { "port": { "status": "ACTIVE", "updated": "2014-02-12T08:32:41.785217+00:00", "user_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "name": "Port to public network", "links": [ { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports/18", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://example.org/network/v2.0/ports/18", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "admin_state_up": true, "network_id": "2718", "tenant_id": "s0m3-u5e7-1d", "created": "2014-02-12T08:31:37.782907+00:00", "device_owner": "vm", "mac_address": "aa:01:02:6c:34:ab", "fixed_ips": [ { "subnet": "28", "ip_address": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21ab" } ], "id": "18", "security_groups": [], "device_id": "42" } } Create port -------------- .. rubric:: Request ========== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ========== ====== ================ ========== ``/ports`` POST ✔ ✔ ========== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request body contents:: port: { : , ... } =============== ================ ========== Port Attribute Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron =============== ================ ========== network_id required required device_id ✔ **✘** fixed_ips ✔ ✔ name ✔ ✔ security_groups ✔ ✔ admin_state_up **✘** ✔ mac_address **✘** ✔ tenand_id **✘** ✔ =============== ================ ========== * **network_id** is the uuid of the network this port is connected to * **device_id** is the id of the device (i.e. server or router) this port is connected to * **fixed_ips** is a list of IP items. Each IP item is a dictionary containing an ``ip_address`` field. The value must be the IPv4 address of a floating IP which is reserved from the pool of the network with ``network_id``, for the current user * **name** a string * **security_groups** is a list of security group IDs * **admin_state_up**, **mac_address** and **tenantd_id** are accepted by Cyclades/Network, but they are ignored .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 201 (OK) Network created 400 (BadRequest) Invalid request body (missing network_id) 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) Insufficient permissions 404 (itemNoFound) Network not found 503 (macGenerationFailure) Mac address generation failed =========================== ===================== In case of success, the response has the same format is in `get port details <#get-port-details>`_. Update port ----------- .. rubric:: Request ========================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ========================== ====== ================ ========== ``/ports/`` PUT ✔ ✔ ========================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request body contents:: port: { : , ... } =============== ================ ========== Port Attribute Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron =============== ================ ========== name ✔ ✔ network_id **✘** ✔ port_id **✘** ✔ fixed_ips **✘** ✔ security_groups **✘** ✔ admin_state_up **✘** ✔ mac_address **✘** ✔ tenand_id **✘** ✔ =============== ================ ========== * **name** a string * all other attributes are accepted but ignored .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Network is updated 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) You are not the owner of the network 404 (itemNoFound) Network not found =========================== ===================== In case of success, the response has the same format as in `get port details <#get-port-details>`_ containing the updated values. Delete port ----------- Delete a port .. rubric:: Request ========================== ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ========================== ====== ================ ========== ``/ports/`` DELETE ✔ ✔ ========================== ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 204 (OK) Port is being deleted 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Port not found =========================== ===================== List floating ips ----------------- List the floating ips which are reserved by the user .. rubric:: Request ================ ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ================ ====== ================ ========== ``/floatingips`` GET ✔ ✔ ================ ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: floatingips: [ { : , ... }, ... ] The attributes of a floating ip are listed `here <#floating-ip-ref>`__. *Example List Floating IPs: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/floatingips { "floatingips": [ { "instance_id": 42 "floating_network_id": 2719 "fixed_ip_address": None "floating_ip_address": "" "port_id": 19 }, { "instance_id": 84 "floating_network_id": 4178 "fixed_ip_address": None "floating_ip_address": "port_id": 38 } ] } Get floating ip details ----------------------- .. rubric:: Request ======================== ====== ================ ===================== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ======================== ====== ================ ===================== ``/floatingips/`` GET ✔ ✔ ======================== ====== ================ ===================== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 201 (OK) Request succeeded 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Floating IP not found =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: floatingip: { : , ... } The attributes of a floating ip are listed `here <#floating-ip-ref>`__. *Example Get Floating IP Details: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/network/v2.0/floatingips/19 { "floatingip": { "instance_id": 42 "floating_network_id": 2719 "fixed_ip_address": None "floating_ip_address": "" "port_i"d: 19 } } Create floating ip ------------------ .. rubric:: Request ================ ====== ================ ===================== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ================ ====== ================ ===================== ``/floatingips`` POST ✔ ✔ ================ ====== ================ ===================== | ============== ========================= ================ ===================== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ============== ========================= ================ ===================== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ================ ===================== Request body contents:: floating ip: { : , ... } ===================== ================ ========== Floating IP Attribute Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ===================== ================ ========== floating_network_id ✔ required floating_ip_address ✔ ✔ port_id **✘** ✔ fixed_ip_address **✘** ✔ ===================== ================ ========== * In Cyclades/Network, if ``floating_network_id`` is not used, the service will automatically pick a public network with a sufficient number of available IPs * All the attributes are explained `here <#floating-ip-ref>`__. .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 201 (OK) Network created 400 (BadRequest) Invalid request body (missing floating_network_id) 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 409 (Conflict) Insufficient resources =========================== ===================== In case of success, the response has the same format is in `get floating ip details <#get-floating-ip-details>`_. Delete floating ip ------------------ .. rubric:: Request ================================ ====== ================ ===================== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ================================ ====== ================ ===================== ``/floatingips/`` DELETE ✔ ✔ ================================ ====== ================ ===================== | ============== ========================= ================ ========== Request Header Value Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ============== ========================= ================ ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ================ ========== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 204 (OK) Floating IP is being deleted 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 404 (itemNoFound) Floating IP not found =========================== ===================== Reassign floating ip -------------------- Assign a floating IP to a different project. .. rubric:: Request ======================================= ====== ================ ========== URI Method Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ======================================= ====== ================ ========== ``/floatingips//action`` POST ✔ **✘** ======================================= ====== ================ ========== | ============== ========================= Request Header Value ============== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ============== ========================= Request body contents:: reassign: { project: } .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 400 (Bad Request) Malformed request 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) Not allowed to modify this network (e.g. public) 404 (Not Found) Network not found 500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an \ internal error 503 (Service Unavailable) The service is not currently available =========================== ===================== Index of Attributes ------------------- .. _network-ref: Network attributes .................. ================== ================ ========== Network attributes Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ================== ================ ========== admin_state_up ✔ ✔ id ✔ ✔ name ✔ ✔ shared ✔ ✔ public ✔ **✘** status ✔ ✔ subnets ✔ ✔ tenant_id ✔ ✔ user_id ✔ **✘** network_type ✔ **✘** router:external ✔ **✘** SNF:floating_ip ✔ **✘** links ✔ **✘** ================== ================ ========== * **admin_state_up** The administrative state of the network (true, false) * **shared** Used for compatibility with OS/Neutron and has the same value as public * **public** If the network is publicly accessible (true, false) * **status** ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, SNF:DRAINED The later means that no new ports or floating IPs can be created from this network * **tenant_id** Used for compatibility with OS/Neutron and has the same value as user_id * **user_id** The owner of the network if private or None if public * **network_type** MAC_FILTERED, IP_LESS_ROUTED, PHYSICAL_VLAN * **router:external** Whether the network is connected to an external router (true, false) .. _subnet-ref: Subnet attributes ................. ================= ================ ========== Subnet attributes Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ================= ================ ========== id ✔ ✔ name ✔ ✔ network_id ✔ ✔ ip_version ✔ ✔ cidr ✔ ✔ gateway_ip ✔ ✔ enable_dhcp ✔ ✔ allocation_pools ✔ ✔ tenant_id ✔ ✔ dns_nameservers ✔ ✔ host_routes ✔ ✔ user_id ✔ **✘** enable_slaac ✔ **✘** links ✔ **✘** ================= ================ ========== * **id** The UUID for the subnet * **name** A human readable name * **network_id** The ID of the network associated with this subnet * **ip_version** The IP version (4, 6) of the subnet (default is 4) * **cidr** CIDR represents IP range for this subnet, based on the IP version * **gateway_ip** Default gateway used by devices in this subnet. If not specified the service will be the first available IP address. Tto get no gateway, set to None * **enable_dhcp** Wheather nfdhcpd is enabled for this subnet (true, false) * **enable_slaac** Whether SLAAC is enabled for this subnet (true, false) * **allocation_pools(CR)** Subranges of cidr available for dynamic allocation. List of dictionaries of the form: [{“start”: “”, “end”:”}, ...] * **user_id** The UUID of the network owner, None if the network is public * **tenant_id** The UUID of the project that defines this resource * **host_routes** Routes that should be used by devices with IPs from this subnet (list) * **dns_nameservers** Used for compatibility with OpenStack/Neutron .. _port-ref: Port attributes ............... ==================== ================ ========== Port attributes Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron ==================== ================ ========== id ✔ ✔ name ✔ ✔ status ✔ ✔ admin_state_up ✔ ✔ network_id ✔ ✔ tenant_id ✔ ✔ mac_address ✔ ✔ fixed_ips ✔ ✔ device_id ✔ ✔ device_owner ✔ ✔ security_groups ✔ ✔ port_filter **✘** ✔ binding:vif_type **✘** ✔ binding:capabilities **✘** ✔ user_id ✔ **✘** links ✔ **✘** ==================== ================ ========== * **status** ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR * **admin_state_up** The administrative state of the network (true, false). If false, the network does not forward packets * **network_id** UUID of the attached network * **user_id** The UUID of the owner of the network, or None if the network is public * **tenant_id** The UUID of the project that defines this resource * **device_owner** ID of the entity using this port. e.g., network:router, network:router_gateway * **fixed_ips** IP information for the port (list of dicts). Each IP item (dictionary) consists of a ``subnet`` and an ``ip_address`` field. * **device_id** The ID of the device that uses this port i.e., a virtual server or a router * **security_groups** List of security group IDs associated with this port .. _floating-ip-ref: Floating ip attributes ...................... ====================== ================ ========== Floating ip attributes Cyclades/Network OS/Neutron Extensions ====================== ================ ========== id ✔ ✔ floating_network_id ✔ ✔ floating_ip_address ✔ ✔ fixed_ip_address ✔ ✔ port_id ✔ ✔ user_id ✔ **✘** tenant_id ✔ ✔ instance_id ✔ **✘** router_id ✔ ✔ ====================== ================ ========== * **id** The UUID for the floating IP * **floating_network_id** The UUID of the external network associated to this floating IP is associated. * **floating_ip_address** The IPv4 address of the floating IP * **fixed_ip_address** Used for compatibility, always None * **port_id** The port where this IP is attached, if any * **instance_id** The device using this floating IP, if any * **user_id** The UUID of the owner of the floating IP * **tenant_id** The UUID of the project that defines this resource * **router_id** The ID of the router, if any