.. _compute-api-extensions-guide: API Guide ********* The Cyclades/Compute API Extensions contain some additions to the core Cyclades/Compute API. In order to be compatible with the OpenStack API, these additions are mapped to the `OpenStack Compute API v2 Extensions `_. You are advised to consult the "Overview" and "General API Information" sections of the :ref:`Compute API guide `, which have some important information for topics such as authentication, fault handling, etc. API Operations ============== .. rubric:: Volume attachments ========================== ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== Description URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute ========================== ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== `List <#list-volumes>`_ ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments`` GET ✔ ✔ `Attach <#attach-volume>`_ ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments`` POST ✔ ✔ `Show <#show-volume>`_ ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{attachment_id}`` GET ✔ ✔ `Detach <#detach-volume>`_ ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{attachment_id}`` DELETE ✔ ✔ ========================== ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== List Volumes ------------ List all volume attachments of a server. .. rubric:: Request ============================================== ====== ======== ========== URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute ============================================== ====== ======== ========== ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments`` GET ✔ ✔ ============================================== ====== ======== ========== | ============== ========================= ======== ========== Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute ============== ========================= ======== ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required ============== ========================= ======== ========== | ================= =================================== ======== ========== Request Parameter Value Cyclades OS/Compute ================= =================================== ======== ========== json Respond in json default **✘** xml Respond in xml ✔ **✘** ================= =================================== ======== ========== * **json** and **xml** parameters are mutually exclusive. If none supported, the response will be formated in json. .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 400 (Bad Request) Invalid or malformed ``changes-since`` parameter 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation 500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an \ internal error 503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available =========================== ===================== | Response body contents:: { "volumeAttachments": [ { "volume_attachment_attribute": , ... }, ... ] } The volume attachment attributes are listed `here <#volume-attachment-ref>`_. *Example List Volumes: JSON (regular)* .. code-block:: javascript GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/1134/os-volume_attachments { "volumeAttachments": [ { "device": "", # Unused "serverId": 1134, "id": 9, "volumeId": 9 }, { "device": "", # Unused "serverId": 1134, "id": 99, "volumeId": 99 } ] } Attach Volume ------------- Attach a volume to a server. .. rubric:: Request ============================================== ====== ======== ========== URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute ============================================== ====== ======== ========== ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments`` POST ✔ ✔ ============================================== ====== ======== ========== | ============== ========================= ======== ========== Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute ============== ========================= ======== ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ======== ========== | ================= =============== Request Parameter Value ================= =============== json Respond in json xml Respond in xml ================= =============== Request body contents:: { "volumeAttachment": { "volumeId": , } } =========== ==================== ======== ========== Attributes Description Cyclades OS/Compute =========== ==================== ======== ========== volumeId The volume id ✔ ✔ =========== ==================== ======== ========== * **volumeId** is the id of the volume to be attached *Example Attach Volume Request: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript { "volumeAttachment": { "volumeId": 9, } } .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 400 (Bad Request) Malformed request data 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation 404 (Not Found) Server or Volume not found 500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an \ internal error 503 (Service Unavailable) No available backends or service currently \ unavailable =========================== ===================== Response body contents:: { "volumeAttachment": { "volume_attachment_attribute": , ... } } The volume attachment attributes are listed `here <#volume-attachment-ref>`_. *Example Attach Volume Response: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript POST https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/1134/os-volume_attachments { "volumeAttachment": { "device": "", # Unused "serverId": 1134, "id": 9, "volumeId": 9 } } Show Volume ----------- Show information for a volume that is attached to a server. .. rubric:: Request ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{attachment_id}`` GET ✔ ✔ ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== | ============== ========================= ======== ========== Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute ============== ========================= ======== ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ======== ========== | ================= =============== Request Parameter Value ================= =============== json Respond in json xml Respond in xml ================= =============== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 400 (Bad Request) Malformed request data 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation 404 (Not Found) Server or Volume not found 500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an \ internal error 503 (Service Unavailable) No available backends or service currently \ unavailable =========================== ===================== | Response body contents:: { "volumeAttachment": { "volume_attachment_attribute": , ... } } The volume attachment attributes are listed `here <#volume-attachment-ref>`_. *Example Show Volume Response: JSON* .. code-block:: javascript POST https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/1134/os-volume_attachments/9 { "volumeAttachment": { "device": "", # Unused "serverId": 1134, "id": 9, "volumeId": 9 } } Detach Volume ------------- Detach a volume from a server. .. rubric:: Request ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== ``/servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{attachment_id}`` DELETE ✔ ✔ ============================================================== ====== ======== ========== | ============== ========================= ======== ========== Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute ============== ========================= ======== ========== X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required Content-Type Type or request body required required Content-Length Length of request body required required ============== ========================= ======== ========== | ================= =============== Request Parameter Value ================= =============== json Respond in json xml Respond in xml ================= =============== .. rubric:: Response =========================== ===================== Return Code Description =========================== ===================== 200 (OK) Request succeeded 400 (Bad Request) Malformed request data 401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token 403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation 404 (Not Found) Server or Volume not found 500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an \ internal error 503 (Service Unavailable) No available backends or service currently \ unavailable =========================== ===================== Index of Attributes ------------------- .. _volume-attachment-ref: Volume Attachment Attributes ............................ =================== ======== ========== Volume attribute Cyclades OS/Compute =================== ======== ========== device **✘** ✔ id ✔ ✔ serverId ✔ ✔ volumeId ✔ ✔ =================== ======== ========== * **device** is unused in our case * **id**, **volumeId** refer to the id of the volume * **serverId** is the ID of the server where the volume is attached