API Guide

Cyclades is the Compute Service of Synnefo. The Cyclades/Compute API complies with OpenStack Compute with custom extensions when needed.

This document’s goals are:

  • Define the Cyclades/Compute REST API
  • Clarify the differences between Cyclades and OpenStack/Compute

Users and developers who wish to access Cyclades through its REST API are advised to use the kamaki command-line client and associated python library, instead of making direct calls.


  • OpenStack does not define if requests for invalid URLs should return 404 or a
  • Fault. We return a BadRequest Fault.
  • OpenStack does not define if requests with a wrong HTTP method should return
  • 405 or a Fault. We return a BadRequest Fault.

General API Information


All requests use the same authentication method: an X-Auth-Token header is passed to the service, which is used to authenticate the user and retrieve user related information. No other user details are passed through HTTP.

Efficient Polling with the Changes-Since Parameter

  • Effectively limit support of the changes-since parameter in List Servers and List Images.
  • Assume that garbage collection of deleted servers will only affect servers deleted POLL_TIME seconds (default: 3600) in the past or earlier. Else loose the information of a server getting deleted.
  • Images do not support a deleted state, so deletions cannot be tracked.


  • Version MIME type and versionless requests are not currently supported.
  • Cyclades only supports JSON Requests and JSON/XML Responses. XML Requests are currently not supported.
  • Optional content compression support is currently not supported.
  • To prevent abuse, HTTP sessions have a timeout of 20 seconds before being closed.
  • Full URI references and self and bookmark links are not supported.
  • Pagination is currently not supported.
  • Cached responses are currently not supported.
  • Limits are currently not supported.
  • Extensions are currently not supported.

API Operations


Description URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
List /servers GET
/servers/detail GET
Create /servers POST
Get Stats /servers/<server-id>/stats GET
Get Diagnostics /servers/<server-id>/diagnostics GET
Get Details /servers/<server id> GET
Rename /servers/<server id> PUT
Delete /servers/<server id> DELETE
List Connections /servers/<server id>/ips GET
Get Connection /servers/<server id>/ips/<network id> GET
List Metadata /servers/<server-id>/metadata GET
Update Metadata /servers/<server-id>/metadata PUT
/servers/<server-id>/metadata POST
Get Meta Item /servers/<server-id>/metadata/<key> GET
Update Meta Item /servers/<server-id>/metadata/<key> PUT
Delete Meta Item /servers/<server-id>/metadata/<key> DELETE
Actions /servers/<server id>/action POST


Description URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
List /flavors GET
/flavors/detail GET
Get details /flavors/<flavor-id> GET


Description URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
List /images GET
/images/detail GET
Get details /images/<image-id> GET
Delete /images/<image id> DELETE
List Metadata /images/<image-id>/metadata GET
Update Metadata /images/<image-id>/metadata POST
/images/<image-id>/metadata PUT
Get Meta Item /image/<image-id>/metadata/<key> GET
Update Metadata /images/<image-id>/metadata/<key> PUT
Delete Metadata /images/<image-id>/metadata/<key> DELETE

List Servers

List all virtual servers owned by the user.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers GET
/servers/detail GET
  • Both requests return a list of servers. The first returns just id, name and links, while the second returns the full collections of server attributes.

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required

Request Parameter Value Cyclades OS/Compute
json Respond in json default
xml Respond in xml
changes-since Servers delete since that timestamp
image Image reference
flavor VM flavor reference
server Server flavor reference
status Server status
marker Last list last ID
limit Page size
  • json and xml parameters are mutually exclusive. If none supported,

the response will be formated in json.

  • status refers to the server status
  • changes-since must be an ISO8601 date string


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
304 (No servers since date) Can be returned if changes-since is given
400 (Bad Request) Invalid or malformed changes-since parameter
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body contents:

servers: [
    <server attribute>: <value>,
  }, ...

The server attributes are listed here

Example List Servers: JSON (regular)

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers

  "servers": [
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/42",
          "rel": "self"
        }, {
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/42",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "id": "42",
      "name": "My Server",
    }, {
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/43",
          "rel": "self"
        }, {
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/43",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "id": "84",
      "name": "My Server",

Example List Servers: JSON (detail)

  "servers": [
      "addresses": [
        "2718": [
            "version": 6,
            "addr": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21ab",
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
        "2719": [
            "version": 4,
            "addr": "",
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"
      "attachments": [
            "id": "18",
            "network_id": "2718",
            "mac_address": "aa:01:02:6c:34:ab",
            "firewallProfile": "DISABLED",
            "ipv4": "",
            "ipv6": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21ab"
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
          }, {
            "id": "19",
            "network_id": "2719",
            "mac_address": "aa:00:0c:6d:34:bb",
            "firewallProfile": "PROTECTED",
            "ipv4": "",
            "ipv6": ""
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/42",
          "rel": "self"
        }, {
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/42",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "image": {
        "id": "im4g3-1d",
        "links": [
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/im4g3-1d",
            "rel": "self"
          }, {
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/im4g3-1d",
            "rel": "bookmark"
          }, {
            "href": "https://example.org/image/v1.0/images/im4g3-1d",
            "rel": "alternate"
      "suspended": false,
      "created': '2011-04-19T10:18:52.085737+00:00',
      "flavor": {
        "id": 1",
        "links": [
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
            "rel": "self"
          }, {
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
            "rel": "bookmark"
      "id": "42",
      "security_groups": [{"name": "default"}],
      "user_id": "s0m5-u5e7-1d",
      "accessIPv4": "",
      "accessIPv6": "",
      "progress": 100,
      "config_drive": "",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "updated": "2011-05-29T14:07:07.037602+00:00",
      "hostId": "",
      "SNF:fqdn": "snf-42.vm.example.org",
      "key_name": null,
      "name": "My Server",
      "created": "2014-02-12T08:31:37.834542+00:00",
      "tenant_id": "s0m5-u5e7-1d",
      "SNF:port_forwarding": {},
      "SNF:task_state": "",
      "diagnostics": [
              "level": "DEBUG",
              "created": "2014-02-12T08:31:37.834542+00:00",
              "source": "image-info",
              "source_date": "2014-02-12T08:32:35.929507+00:00",
              "message": "Image customization finished successfully.",
              "details": null
      "metadata": {
          "os": "debian",
          "users": "root"
    }, {
      "addresses": [
        "2718": [
            "version": 6,
            "addr": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21cd",
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
        "4178": [
            "version": 4,
            "addr": "",
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"
      "attachments": [
            "id": "36",
            "network_id": "2718",
            "mac_address": "aa:01:02:6c:34:cd",
            "firewallProfile": "DISABLED",
            "ipv4": "",
            "ipv6": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21cd"
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
          }, {
            "id": "38",
            "network_id": "4178",
            "mac_address": "aa:00:0c:6d:34:cc",
            "firewallProfile": "PROTECTED",
            "ipv4": "",
            "ipv6": ""
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/84",
          "rel": "self"
        }, {
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/84",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "image": {
        "id": "im4g3-1d",
        "links": [
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/im4g3-1d",
            "rel": "self"
          }, {
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/im4g3-1d",
            "rel": "bookmark"
          }, {
            "href": "https://example.org/image/v1.0/images/im4g3-1d",
            "rel": "alternate"
      "suspended": false,
      "created': '2011-04-21T10:18:52.085737+00:00',
      "flavor": {
        "id": 3",
        "links": [
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
            "rel": "self"
          }, {
            "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
            "rel": "bookmark"
      "id": "84",
      "security_groups": [{"name": "default"}],
      "user_id": "s0m5-u5e7-1d",
      "accessIPv4": "",
      "accessIPv6": "",
      "progress": 100,
      "config_drive": "",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "updated": "2011-05-30T14:07:07.037602+00:00",
      "hostId": "",
      "SNF:fqdn": "snf-84.vm.example.org",
      "key_name": null,
      "name": "My Other Server",
      "created": "2014-02-21T08:31:37.834542+00:00",
      "tenant_id": "s0m5-u5e7-1d",
      "SNF:port_forwarding": {},
      "SNF:task_state": "",
      "diagnostics": [
          "level": "DEBUG",
          "created": "2014-02-21T08:31:37.834542+00:00",
          "source": "image-info",
          "source_date": "2014-02-21T08:32:35.929507+00:00",
          "message": "Image customization finished successfully.",
          "details": null
      "metadata": {
        "os": "debian",
        "users": "root"

Create Server

Create a new virtual server


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers POST

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required
Content-Type Type or request body required required
Content-Length Length of request body required required

Request Parameter Value
json Respond in json
xml Respond in xml

Request body contents:

server: {
    <server attribute>: <value>,
    personality: [
    networks: [
Attributes Description Cyclades OS/Compute
name The server name
imageRef Image id
flavorRef Resources flavor
personality Personality contents
metadata Custom metadata
project Project assignment
  • name can be any string
  • imageRef and flavorRef should refer to existing images and hardware flavors accessible by the user
  • metadata are key:value pairs of custom server-specific metadata. There are no semantic limitations, although the OS and USERS values should rather be defined
  • project (optional) is the project where the VM is to be assigned. If not given, user’s system project is assumed (identified with the same uuid as the user).
  • personality (optional) is a list of personality injections. A personality injection is a way to add a file into a virtual server while creating it. Each change modifies/creates a file on the virtual server. The injected data (contents) should not exceed 10240 bytes in size and must be base64 encoded. The file mode should be a number, not a string. A personality injection contains the following attributes:
Personality Attributes Description Cyclades OS/Compute
path File path on server
contents Data to inject
group User group
mode File access mode
owner File owner

Example Create Server Request: JSON


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed request data
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation
404 (Not Found) Image or Flavor not found
413 (Over Limit) Exceeded some resource limit
415 (Bad Media Type)  
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) No available backends or service currently

Response body contents:

server: {
  <server attribute>: <value>,

Server attributes are listed here.


The adminPass attribute is generated in the response. This is the only case where this attribute appears in a response.

Example Create Server Response: JSON

POST https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers

  "server": {
    "name": "My Example Server",
    "id": 5678,
    "status": "BUILD",
    "created": "2013-04-10T13:52:17.085402+00:00",
    "updated": "2013-04-10T13:52:17.085402+00:00",
    "adminPass": "fKCqlZe2at",
    "progress": 0
    "metadata": {
      "OS": "debian",
      "USERS": "root"

Personality: injecting files while creating a virtual server

The term “personality” refers to a mechanism for injecting data as files into the file system of a virtual server while the server is being created. This mechanism has many application e.g., the injection of ssh keys for secure password-less access, automation in user profile configuration, etc.

A personality injection contains the following attributes:

Personality Attributes Description Cyclades OS/Compute
path File path on server
contents Data to inject
group User group
mode File access mode
owner File owner
  • path is the path (including name) for the file on the remote server. If the file does not exist, it will be created
  • contents is the data to be injected, must not exceed 10240 bytes and must be base64-encoded
  • mode is the access mode of the created remote file and must be a number (usually octal or decimal)

Example Create Server Request: JSON

POST https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers
  "server": {
    "name": "My Password-less Server",
    "personality": [
        "path": "/home/someuser/.ssh/authorized_keys",
        "contents": "Some users public key",
        "group": "users",
        "mode": 0600,
        "owner": "someuser"
      }, {
        "path": "/home/someuser/.bashrc",
        "contents": "bash configuration",
        "group": "users",
        "mode": 0777,
        "owner": "someuser"

Network connections on virtual server creation

A network connection is established by creating a port that connects a virtual device with a network. There are five cases:

  • The network attribute is not provided. In that case, the service will apply its default policy (e.g., automatic public network and IP assignment)
  • The network attribute is an empty list. In that case, the virtual server will not have any network connections
  • Provide an existing network ID. In that case, the virtual server will be connected to that network.
  • Provide an existing network ID and an IP (which is already associated to that network). In that case, the virtual server will be connected to that network with this specific IP attached.
  • Provide an existing port ID to establish a connection through it.
Network attributes on server construction Cyclades OS/Compute

E.g., the following example connects a public network with an IP (2719) and a private network (9876) on the virtual server under construction:

  • Example Connect server on various networks*
POST https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers
  "server": {
    "networks": [
      {"uuid": 9876},
      {"uuid": 2719, "fixed_ip": ""},

Get Server Stats


This operation is not part of OS/Compute v2.

This operation returns URLs of graphs showing CPU and Network statistics.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server-id>/stats GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required

Request Parameter Value
json Respond in json
xml Respond in xml
  • json and xml parameters are mutually exclusive. If none supported,

the response will be formated in json.


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid server ID or Server deleted
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Server not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body contents:

stats: {<parameter>: <value> }
Parameter Description
serverRef Server ID
refresh Refresh frequency
cpuBar Latest CPU load graph URL
cpuTimeSeries CPU load / time graph URL
netBar Latest Network load graph URL
netTimeSeries Network load / time graph URL
  • refresh is the recommended sampling rate

Example Get Server Stats Response: JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/5678/stats
  "stats": {
    "serverRef": 5678,
    "refresh": 60,
    "cpuBar": "http://stats.okeanos.grnet.gr/b9a...048c/cpu-bar.png",
    "cpuTimeSeries": "http://stats.okeanos.grnet.gr/b9a...048c/cpu-ts.png",
    "netBar": "http://stats.okeanos.grnet.gr/b9a...048c/net-bar.png",
    "netTimeSeries": "http://stats.okeanos.grnet.gr/b9a...048c/net-ts.png"

Get Server Diagnostics


This operation is not part of OS/Compute v2.

This operation returns diagnostic information (logs) for a server.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server-id>/diagnostics GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid server ID or Server deleted
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Server not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body contents:

    <diagnostic attribute}: <value>,
Diagnostic attribute Description
level Debug level
created Log entry timestamp
source Log source proccess
source_date Log source date
message Log description
details Detailed log description

Example Get Server Diagnostics Response: JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/5678/diagnostics
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "created": "2013-04-09T15:25:53.965144+00:00",
    "source": "image-helper-task-start",
    "source_date": "2013-04-09T15:25:53.954695+00:00",
    "message": "FixPartitionTable",
    "details": null
  }, {
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "created": "2013-04-09T15:25:46.413718+00:00",
    "source": "image-info",
    "source_date": "2013-04-09T15:25:46.404477+00:00",
    "message": "Starting customization VM...",
    "details": null

Get Server Details

This operation returns detailed information for a virtual server


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server id> GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed server id
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Server not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) No available backends or service currently

Response body contents:

server: {
  <server attribute>: <value>,

Server attributes are explained here

Example get server Details

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/84

  "server": {
    "addresses": [
      "2718": [
          "version": 6,
          "addr": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21cd",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
      "4178": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"
    "attachments": [
          "id": "36",
          "network_id": "2718",
          "mac_address": "aa:01:02:6c:34:cd",
          "firewallProfile": "DISABLED",
          "ipv4": "",
          "ipv6": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21cd"
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
        }, {
          "id": "38",
          "network_id": "4178",
          "mac_address": "aa:00:0c:6d:34:cc",
          "firewallProfile": "PROTECTED",
          "ipv4": "",
          "ipv6": ""
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"
    "links": [
        "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/84",
        "rel": "self"
      }, {
        "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/84",
        "rel": "bookmark"
    "image": {
      "id": "im4g3-1d",
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/im4g3-1d",
          "rel": "self"
        }, {
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/im4g3-1d",
          "rel": "bookmark"
        }, {
          "href": "https://example.org/image/v1.0/images/im4g3-1d",
          "rel": "alternate"
    "suspended": false,
    "created': '2011-04-21T10:18:52.085737+00:00',
    "flavor": {
      "id": 3",
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
          "rel": "self"
        }, {
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
          "rel": "bookmark"
    "id": "84",
    "security_groups": [{"name": "default"}],
    "user_id": "s0m5-u5e7-1d",
    "accessIPv4": "",
    "accessIPv6": "",
    "progress": 100,
    "config_drive": "",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "updated": "2011-05-30T14:07:07.037602+00:00",
    "hostId": "",
    "SNF:fqdn": "snf-84.vm.example.org",
    "key_name": null,
    "name": "My Other Server",
    "created": "2014-02-21T08:31:37.834542+00:00",
    "tenant_id": "s0m5-u5e7-1d",
    "SNF:port_forwarding": {},
    "SNF:task_state": "",
    "diagnostics": [
        "level": "DEBUG",
        "created": "2014-02-21T08:31:37.834542+00:00",
        "source": "image-info",
        "source_date": "2014-02-21T08:32:35.929507+00:00",
        "message": "Image customization finished successfully.",
        "details": null
    "metadata": {
      "os": "debian",
      "users": "root"

Rename Server

In Synnefo/Cyclades, only the name attribute of a virtual server can be modified with this call.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server id> PUT

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required
Content-Type Type or request body required required
Content-Length Length of request body required required

Request body contents:

server: {
  <server attribute>: <value>,
Attribute Description Cyclades OS/Compute
name The server name
accessIPv4 IP v4 address
accessIPv6 IP v6 address

Example Rename Server Request: JSON

{"server": {"name": "New name"}}


Return Code Description
204 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed request or malformed server id
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation
404 (Not Found) Server not found
415 (Bad Media Type)  
409 (Build In Progress) Server is not ready yet
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) No available backends or service currently


In case of a 204 return code, there will be no request results according to the Cyclades API. Compute OS API suggests that response should include the new server details.

Delete Server

Delete a virtual server. When a server is deleted, all its attachments (ports) are deleted as well.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server id> DELETE
  • server-id is the identifier of the virtual server.

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
204 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed server id or machine already deleted
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
404 (Not Found) Server not found
409 (Build In Progress) Server is not ready yet
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) Action not supported or service currently

List Server Connections

List a server’s network connections. In Cyclades, connections are ports between a network and the server.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server id>/ips GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed server id or machine already deleted
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
404 (Not Found) Server not found
409 (Build In Progress) Server is not ready yet
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) Service currently unavailable

Response body contents:

addresses: [
  <network id>: [
      version: <4 or 6>,
      addr: <IP address, if any>
      OS-EXT-TYPE:type: <floating or fixed>
attachments: [
    <attachment attribute>: ...,

Attachment attributes are explained here

Example List Addresses: JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/84/ips/

    "addresses": [
      "2718": [
          "version": 6,
          "addr": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21cd",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
      "4178": [
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"
    "attachments": [
          "id": "36",
          "network_id": "2718",
          "mac_address": "aa:01:02:6c:34:cd",
          "firewallProfile": "DISABLED",
          "ipv4": "",
          "ipv6": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21cd"
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
        }, {
          "id": "38",
          "network_id": "4178",
          "mac_address": "aa:00:0c:6d:34:cc",
          "firewallProfile": "PROTECTED",
          "ipv4": "",
          "ipv6": ""
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"

Connection with network

Get information on a network connected on a server


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server id>/ips/<network id> GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed server id or machine already deleted
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
404 (Not Found) Server not found
409 (Build In Progress) Server is not ready yet
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) Service currently unavailable

Response body contents:

network: {
  <network id>: [
      version: <4 or 6>,
      addr: <IP address, if any>
      OS-EXT-TYPE:type: <floating or fixed>


GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/servers/84/ips/2718

"network": {
  "2718": [
      "version": 6,
      "addr": "2001:443:2dfc:1232:a810:3cf:fe9b:21cd",
      "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"

List Server Metadata


This operation is semantically equivalent in Cyclades and OS/Compute besides the different URI.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server-id>/metadata GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid server ID or Malformed request
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Server not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body contents:

metadata: {
  <key>: <value>,
  • Key is in uppercase by convention

Example List Server Metadata: JSON

  ""metadata": {
    "OS": "Linux",
    "USERS": "root"

Set / Update Server Metadata

In Cyclades API, setting new metadata and updating the values of existing ones is achieved with the same type of request (POST), while in OS/Compute API there are two separate request types (PUT and POST for setting new and updating existing metadata, respectively).

In Cyclades API, metadata keys which are not referred by the operation will remain intact, while metadata referred by the operation will be overwritten.


Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required
Content-Type Type or request body required required
Content-Length Length of request body required required

Request body contents:

metadata: {
  <key>: <value>,

Example Request Set / Update Server Metadata: JSON

{"metadata": {"role": "webmail", "users": "root,maild"}}


Return Code Description
201 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid server ID or Malformed request
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Server not found
413 (OverLimit) Maximum number of metadata exceeded
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body contents:

metadata: {
  <key>: <value>,

Example Response Set / Update Server Metadata: JSON

{"metadata": {"OS": "Linux", "role": "webmail", "users": "root,maild"}}

Get Server Metadata Item

Get the value of a specific piece of metadata of a virtual server


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server-id>/metadata/<key> GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid server ID or Malformed request
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Meta key not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body content:

metadata: {<key>: <value>}

Example Get Server Metadata for Item ‘role’, JSON

{"metadata": {"role": "webmail"}}

Update Server Metadata Item

Set a new or update an existing a metadum value for a virtual server.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server-id>/metadata/<key> PUT

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required
Content-Type Type or request body required required
Content-Length Length of request body required required

Request body content:

metadata: {<key>: <value>}

Example Request to Set or Update Server Metadata “role”: JSON

{"metadata": {"role": "gateway"}}


Response body content:

metadata: {<key>: <value>}

Example Set or Update Server Metadata “role”:”gateway”: JSON

{"metadata": {"role": "gateway"}}

Delete Server Metadata

Delete a metadata of a virtual server


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server-id>/metadata/<key> DELETE

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
204 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid server ID
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Metadata key not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Server Actions

Actions are operations that are achieved through the same type of request (POST). There are differences in the implementations of some operations between Synnefo/Cyclades and OS/Compute. Although this document focuses on Synnefo/Cyclades, differences and similarities between the APIs are also briefed.

Operations Cyclades OS/Compute
Get Console
Set Firewall
Change Admin Password
Confirm Resized
Revert Resized
Create Image


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/servers/<server id>/action POST

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required
Content-Type Type or request body required required
Content-Length Length of request body required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded (for console operation)
202 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid request or unknown action
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available


Response body varies between operations (see bellow)

Start server

This operation transitions a server from a STOPPED to an ACTIVE state.

Request body contents:

start: {}

Example Start Server: JSON

{"start": {}}

Reboot Server

This operation transitions a server from ACTIVE to REBOOT and then ACTIVE again.

Synnefo and OS/Compute APIs offer two reboot modes: soft and hard. OS/Compute distinguishes between the two intermediate states (REBOOT and HARD_REBOOT) while rebooting, while Synnefo/Cyclades use only the REBOOT term. The expected behavior is the same, though.

Request body contents:

reboot: {type: <reboot type>}
  • reboot type can be either SOFT or HARD.

Example (soft) Reboot Server: JSON

{"reboot" : { "type": "soft"}}

Resize Server

This operation changes the flavor of the server, which is the equivalent of upgrading the hardware of a physical machine.

Request body contents:

resize: {flavorRef: <flavor ID>}

Example Resize Server: JSON

{"resize" : { "flavorRef": 153}}

Shutdown server

This operation transitions a server from an ACTIVE to a STOPPED state.

Request body contents:

shutdown: {}

Example Shutdown Server: JSON

{"shutdown": {}}


Response body should be empty

Get Server Console


This operation is not part of OS/Compute API

The console operation arranges for an OOB console of the specified type. Only consoles of type vnc are supported for now. Cyclades server uses a running instance of vncauthproxy to setup proper VNC forwarding with a random password, then returns the necessary VNC connection info to the caller.

Request body contents:

console: {type: vnc}

Example Get Server Console: JSON

{"console": {"type": "vnc" }

Response body contents:

console: {
  <vnc attribute>: <value>,
VNC Attributes Description
host The vncprocy host
port vncprocy port
password Temporary password
type Connection type (only VNC)

Example Action Console Response: JSON

  "console": {
    "type": "vnc",
    "host": "vm42.example.org",
    "port": 1234,
    "password": "513NR14PN0T"

Set Server Firewall Profile

The firewallProfile function sets a firewall profile for the public interface of a server.

Request body contents:

firewallProfile: {profile: <firewall profile>, nic: <nic id>}
  • firewall profile can be ENABLED, DISABLED or PROTECTED

Example Action firewallProfile: JSON*

{"firewallProfile": {"profile": "ENABLED", "nic": 123}}


Response body should be empty

Reassign Server

This operation assigns the VM to a different project. Each resource is assigned to a project. A Synnefo project is a set of resource limits e.g., maximum number of CPU cores per user, maximum ammount of RAM, etc.

Although its resource is assigned exactly one project, a user may be a member of more, so that different resources are registered to different projects.

Request body contents:

reassign: { project: <project-id>}

Example Action reassign: JSON*

{"reassign": {"project": "9969f2fd-86d8-45d6-9106-5e251f7dd92f"}}


Response body should be empty

OS/Compute Specific

The following operations are meaningless or not supported in the context of Synnefo/Cyclades, but are parts of the OS/Compute API:

List Flavors

List the flavors that are accessible by the user


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/flavors GET
/flavors/detail GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required

Request Parameter Value
json Respond in json
xml Respond in xml


Request body should be empty


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed request
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Forbidden to use this flavor
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response code contents:

flavors: [
    <flavor attribute>: <value>,

Flavor attributes are listed here. Regular listing contains only id and name attributes.

Example List Flavors (regular): JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors

  "flavors": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "One code",
      "links": [
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
              "rel": "bookmark"
    }, {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Four core",
      "links": [
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
              "rel": "bookmark"

Example List Flavors (regular): XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<flavors xmlns="http://docs.openstack.org/compute/api/v1"
  <flavor id="1" name="One core"/>
  <flavor id="3" name="Four core"/>

Example List Flavors (detail): JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/detail

  "flavors": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "One core",
      "ram": 1024,
      "SNF:disk_template": "drbd",
      "disk": 20,
      "vcpus": 1,
      "links": [
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
              "rel": "bookmark"
    }, {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Four core",
      "ram": 1024,
      "SNF:disk_template": "drbd",
      "disk": 40,
      "vcpus": 4,
      "links": [
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/3",
              "rel": "bookmark"

Get Flavor Details


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/flavors/<flavor-id GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required

Request Parameter Value
json Respond in json
xml Respond in xml


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed flavor ID
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Forbidden to use this flavor
404 (Not Found) Flavor id not founmd
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response code contents:

flavor: {
  <flavor attribute>: <value>,

All flavor attributes are listed here.

Example Flavor Details: JSON

  "flavor": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "One core",
      "ram": 1024,
      "SNF:disk_template": "drbd",
      "disk": 20,
      "vcpus": 1,
      "links": [
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
              "rel": "self"
              "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/flavors/1",
              "rel": "bookmark"

List Images

List all images accessible by the user


Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required

Request Parameter Value Cyclades OS/Compute
server Server filter
name Image name filter
status Server status filter
changes-since Change timestamp filter
marker Last list last ID filter
limit Page size filter
type Request filter type
  • changes-since must be an ISO8601 date string. In Cyclades it refers to the image updated_at attribute and it should be a date in the window [- POLL_LIMIT ... now]. POLL_LIMIT default value is 3600 seconds except if it is set otherwise at server side.


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
304 (No images since date) Can be returned if changes-since is given
400 (Bad Request) Invalid or malformed changes-since parameter
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) User is not allowed to perform this operation
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body contents:

images: [
    <image attribute>: <value>,
    metadata: {
      <image meta key>: <value>,

The regular response returns just id and name, while the detail returns a collections of the image attributes listed here.

Example List Image (detail): JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images

  "images: [
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "updated": "2013-03-02T15:57:03+00:00",
      "name": "Verbal description",
      "created": "2013-03-02T12:21:00+00:00",
      "id": "s0m3-1m4g3-1d",
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "metadata": {
        "PARTITION_TABLE": "msdos",
        "OSFAMILY": "linux",
        "USERS": "root",
        "OS": "ubuntu",
    }, {
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "updated": "2013-03-02T15:57:03+00:00",
      "name": "edx_saas",
      "created": "2013-03-02T12:21:00+00:00",
      "progress": 100,
      "id": "07h3r-1m4g3-1d",
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/07h3r-1m4g3-1d",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/07h3r-1m4g3-1d",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "metadata": {
        "PARTITION_TABLE": "ext3",
        "OSFAMILY": "Linux",
        "USERS": "root",
        "OS": "Debian"

Get Image Details

Get the details of a specific image


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/images/<image-id> GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed image id
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Not allowed to use this image
404 (Not Found) Image not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) No available backends or service currently

Response body contents:

image: {
  <image attribute>: <value>,
  metadata: {
    <image meta key>: <value>

Image attributes are listed here.

Example Details for an image with id 6404619d-...-aef57eaff4af, in JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d

      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "updated": "2013-03-02T15:57:03+00:00",
      "name": "Verbal description",
      "created": "2013-03-02T12:21:00+00:00",
      "id": "s0m3-1m4g3-1d",
      "links": [
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "metadata": {
        "PARTITION_TABLE": "msdos",
        "OSFAMILY": "linux",
        "USERS": "root",
        "OS": "ubuntu",


Delete Image

Delete an image, by changing its status from ACTIVE to DELETED.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/images/<image id> DELETE

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
204 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid request or image id
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
404 (Not Found) Image not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) Action not supported or service currently


In case of a 204 code, request body should be empty

List Image Metadata


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/images/<image-id>/metadata GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
201 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Invalid image ID or Malformed request
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Administratively suspended server
404 (Not Found) Server not found
409 (Build In Progress) The image is not ready yet
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body content:

metadata: {
  <meta key>: <value>,

Example List Image Metadata: JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d/metadata

  "metadata": {
    "PARTITION_TABLE": "msdos",
    "OSFAMILY": "linux",
    "USERS": "root",
    "OS": "ubuntu",


In OS/Compute API the values level is missing from the response.

Update Image Metadata

In Cyclades API, setting new metadata and updating the values of existing ones is achieved using one type of request (POST), while in OS/Compute API two different types are used (PUT and POST for setting new and updating existing metadata, respectively).

In Cyclades API, unmentioned metadata keys will remain intact, while metadata referred by the operation will be overwritten.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/images/<image-id>/metadata PUT
/images/<image-id>/metadata POST

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required
Content-Type Type or request body required required
Content-Length Length of request body required required


Request parameters should be empty

Request body content:

metadata: {
  <meta key>: <value>,

Example Update Image Metadata Request: JSON

POST https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d/metadata

{"metadata": {"NewAttr": "NewVal", "OS": "Xubuntu'}}


Return Code Description
201 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed request or image id
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Not allowed to modify this image
404 (Not Found) Image or meta key not found
413 (OverLimit) Maximum number of metadata exceeded
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body content:

metadata: {
  <key>: <value>,

Example Update Image Response: JSON

  "metadata": {
    "PARTITION_TABLE": "msdos",
    "OSFAMILY": "linux",
    "USERS": "root",
    "OS": "Xubuntu",
    "NEWATTR": "NewVal"

Get Image Metadata


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/images/<image-id>/metadata/<key> GET

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
200 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed request or image id
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Not allowed to access this information
404 (Not Found) Meta key not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Response body content:

metadata: {<key>: <value>}

Example Get Image Metadata Item: JSON

GET https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d/metadata/OS

{"metadata": {"OS": "Xubuntu"}}


In OS/Compute, metadata is meta

Update Image Metadata


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/images/<image-id>/metadata/<key> PUT

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required
Content-Type Type or request body required required
Content-Length Length of request body required required


Request parameters should be empty

Request body content:

metadata: {<key>: <value>}

Example Update Image Metadata Item Request: JSON

PUT https://example.org/compute/v2.0/images/s0m3-1m4g3-1d/metadata/OS
  "metadata": {"OS": "Kubuntu"}


Return Code Description
201 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed request or image id
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Not allowed to modify this image
404 (Not Found) Metadata key not found
413 (OverLimit) Maximum number of metadata exceeded
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available

Request body content:

metadata: {<key>: <value>}

Example Update Image Metadata Item Response: JSON

{"metadata": {"OS": "Kubuntu"}}

Delete Image Metadata

Delete an image metadata by its key.


URI Method Cyclades OS/Compute
/images/<image-id>/metadata/<key> DELETE

Request Header Value Cyclades OS/Compute
X-Auth-Token User authentication token required required


Return Code Description
204 (OK) Request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Malformed image ID
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
403 (Forbidden) Not allowed to modify this image
404 (Not Found) Metadata key not found
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an
internal error
503 (Service Unavailable) The server is not currently available


In case of a 204 code, the response body should be empty.

Index of Attributes

Server Attributes

Server attribute Cyclades OS/Compute
  • addresses Networks related to this server. All information in this field is redundant, since it can be infered from the attachments field, but it is used for compatibility with OS/Computet
  • user_id The UUID of the owner of the virtual server
  • tenant_id The UUID of the project that defines this resource
  • hostId, accessIPv4 and accessIPv6 are always empty and are used for compatibility with OS/Compute
  • progress Shows the building progress of a virtual server. After the server is built, it is always 100
  • status values are described here
  • updated and created are date-formated
  • adminPass is shown only once (in create server response). This information is not preserved in a clear text form, so it is not recoverable
  • suspended is True only if the server is suspended by the cloud administrations or policy
  • progress is a number between 0 and 100 and reflects the server building status
  • metadata are custom key:value pairs. In Cyclades, the OS and USERS metadata are automatically retrieved from the servers image during creation
  • attachments List of connection ports. Details here.

Server Status

Status Description Cyclades OS/Compute
BUILD Building
ACTIVE Up and running
STOPPED Shut down
REBOOT Rebooting
UNKNOWN Unexpected error
ERROR In error
HARD_REBOOT Hard rebooting
PASSWORD Resetting password
REBUILD Rebuilding server
RESCUE In rescue mode
RESIZE Resizing
REVERT_RESIZE Failed to resize
SHUTOFF Shut down by user
VERIFY_RESIZE Waiting confirmation

Attachments (ports)

In Cyclades, a port connects a virtual server to a public or private network.

Ports can be handled separately through the Cyclades/Network API.

In a virtual server context, a port may contain the following information:

Port Attributes Description
id Port id
mac_address NIC’s mac address
network_id Network ID
OS-EXT-IPS:type fixed or floating
ipv4 IP v4 address
ipv6 IP v6 address
  • ipv4 and ipv6 are mutually exclusive in practice, since a port

    either handles an IPv4, an IPv6, or none, but not both.


A flavor is a hardware configuration for a server. It contains the following information:

Flavor Attributes Description Cyclades OS/Compute
id The flavor id
name The flavor name
ram Server RAM size
SNF:disk_template Storage mechanism
disk Server disk size
vcpus # of Virtual CPUs
links rel Atom link rel field
links href Atom link href field
  • id is the flavor unique id (a possitive integer)
  • name is the flavor name (a string)
  • ram is the server RAM size in MB
  • SNF:disk_template is a reference to the underlying storage mechanism used by the Cyclades server (e.g., drdb, ext_elmc).
  • disk the servers disk size in GB
  • vcpus refer to the number of virtual CPUs assigned to a server
  • link ref and link href refer to the Atom link attributes that are used in OS/Compute API.


An image is a collection of files you use to create or rebuild a server.

An image item may have the fields presented bellow:

Image Attributes Description Cyclades OS/Compute
id Image ID
name Image name
updated Last update date
created Image creation date
progress Ready status progress
status Image status ✔:
tenant_id Image creator
user_id Image users
metadata Custom metadata
links Atom links
minDisk Minimum required disk
minRam Minimum required RAM
  • id is the image id and name is the image name. They are both strings.
  • updated and created are both ISO8601 date strings
  • progress varies between 0 and 100 and denotes the status of the image
  • metadata is a collection of key:values pairs of custom metadata, under the tag values which lies under the tag metadata.
  • tenant_id The UUID of the project that defines this resource


in OS/Compute, the values layer is missing