Projects -------- Astakos allows users to create *projects*. Through a project, one can ask for additional resources on the virtual infrastructure for a certain amount of time. All users admitted to the project gain access to these resources. Retrieve List of Projects ......................... **GET** /account/v1.0/projects Returns all accessible projects. See below. ==================== ========================= Request Header Name Value ==================== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ========================= Request can specify a filter. **Example Request**: .. code-block:: javascript { "filter": { "state": ["active", "suspended"], "owner": [uuid] } } **Response Codes**: ====== ===================== Status Description ====== ===================== 200 Success 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 500 Internal Server Error ====== ===================== **Example Successful Response**: List of project details. See below. Retrieve a Project .................. **GET** /account/v1.0/projects/ ==================== ========================= Request Header Name Value ==================== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ========================= A project is accessible when the request user is admin, project owner, applicant or member, or the project is active. **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Successful Response**: .. code-block:: javascript { "id": proj_id, "application": app_id, "state": "pending" | "active" | "denied" | "dismissed" | "cancelled" | "suspended" | "terminated", "creation_date": "2013-06-26T11:48:06.579100+00:00", "name": "name", "owner": uuid, "homepage": homepage or null, "description": description or null, "start_date": date, "end_date": date, "join_policy": "auto" | "moderated" | "closed", "leave_policy": "auto" | "moderated" | "closed", "max_members": natural number "resources": {"cyclades.vm": {"project_capacity": int or null, "member_capacity": int } } # only if request user is admin or project owner: "comments": comments, "pending_application": last pending app id or null, "deactivation_date": date # if applicable } Create a Project ................ **POST** /account/v1.0/projects ==================== ========================= Request Header Name Value ==================== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ========================= **Example Request**: .. code-block:: javascript { "name": name, "owner": uuid, # if omitted, request user assumed "homepage": homepage, # optional "description": description, # optional "comments": comments, # optional "start_date": date, # optional "end_date": date, "join_policy": "auto" | "moderated" | "closed", # default: "moderated" "leave_policy": "auto" | "moderated" | "closed", # default: "auto" "resources": {"cyclades.vm": {"project_capacity": int or null, "member_capacity": int } } } **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 201 Created 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 409 Conflict 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Successful Response**: .. code-block:: javascript { "id": project_id, "application": application_id } Modify a Project ................ **POST** /account/v1.0/projects/ ==================== ========================= Request Header Name Value ==================== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ========================= **Example Request**: As above. **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 201 Created 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 409 Conflict 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Successful Response**: As above. Take Action on a Project ........................ **POST** /account/v1.0/projects//action ==================== ========================= Request Header Name Value ==================== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ========================= **Example Request**: .. code-block:: javascript { : "reason" } can be: "suspend", "unsuspend", "terminate", "reinstate" **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 409 Conflict 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ Retrieve List of Applications ............................. **GET** /account/v1.0/projects/apps ==================== ========================= Request Header Name Value ==================== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ========================= Get all accessible applications. See below. **Example optional request** .. code-block:: javascript { "project": } **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Successful Response**: List of application details. See below. Retrieve an Application ....................... **GET** /account/v1.0/projects/apps/ ==================== ========================= Request Header Name Value ==================== ========================= X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ========================= An application is accessible when the request user is admin or the application owner/applicant. **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Successful Response** .. code-block:: javascript { "id": app_id, "project": project_id, "state": "pending" | "approved" | "replaced" | "denied" | "dismissed" | "cancelled", "name": "name", "owner": uuid, "applicant": uuid, "homepage": homepage or null, "description": description or null, "start_date": date, "end_date": date, "join_policy": "auto" | "moderated" | "closed", "leave_policy": "auto" | "moderated" | "closed", "max_members": int or null "comments": comments, "resources": {"cyclades.vm": {"project_capacity": int or null, "member_capacity": int } } } Take Action on an Application ............................. **POST** /account/v1.0/projects/apps//action ==================== ============================ Request Header Name Value ==================== ============================ X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ============================ **Example Request**: .. code-block:: javascript { : "reason" } can be one of "approve", "deny", "dismiss", "cancel". **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 409 Conflict 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ Retrieve List of Memberships ............................ **GET** /account/v1.0/projects/memberships ==================== ============================ Request Header Name Value ==================== ============================ X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ============================ Get all accessible memberships. See below. **Example Optional Request** .. code-block:: javascript { "project": } **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Successful Response** List of memberships. See below. Retrieve a Membership ..................... **GET** /account/v1.0/projects/memberships/ ==================== ============================ Request Header Name Value ==================== ============================ X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ============================ A membership is accessible if the request user is admin, project owner or the member. **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Successful Response** .. code-block:: javascript { "id": id, "user": uuid, "project": project_id, "state": "requested" | "accepted" | "leave_requested" | "suspended" | "rejected" | "cancelled" | "removed", "requested": last_request_date, "accepted": last_acceptance_date, "removed": last_removal_date, "allowed_actions": ["leave", "cancel", "accept", "reject", "remove"], } Take Action on a Membership ........................... **POST** /account/v1.0/projects/memberships//action ==================== ============================ Request Header Name Value ==================== ============================ X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ============================ **Example Request** .. code-block:: javascript { : "reason" } can be one of: "leave", "cancel", "accept", "reject", "remove" **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 409 Conflict 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ Create a Membership ................... **POST** /account/v1.0/projects/memberships ==================== ============================ Request Header Name Value ==================== ============================ X-Auth-Token User authentication token ==================== ============================ **Example Requests** .. code-block:: javascript { "join": { "project": proj_id } } .. code-block:: javascript { "enroll": { "project": proj_id, "user": "" } } **Response Codes**: ====== ============================ Status Description ====== ============================ 200 Success 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized (Missing token) 403 Forbidden 409 Conflict 500 Internal Server Error ====== ============================ **Example Response** .. code-block:: javascript { "id": membership_id }