.. _i-cyclades: Synnefo ------- :ref:`synnefo ` || :ref:`ns ` || :ref:`apt ` || :ref:`mq ` || :ref:`db ` || :ref:`gunicorn ` || :ref:`apache ` || :ref:`webproject ` || :ref:`astakos ` || :ref:`qh ` || :ref:`cms ` || :ref:`pithos ` || cyclades || :ref:`kamaki ` || :ref:`backends ` Cyclades Setup ++++++++++++++ The following apply to ``cyclades`` node. In the rest of the sections we will refer to its IP with FQDN ``cyclades.example.com``.Please make sure you have db, mq, gunicorn, apache, webproject, pithos and astakos already setup. Install the corresponding package. Please note that memcache is needed for versions >= 0.13 : .. code-block:: console # apt-get install memcached # apt-get install python-memcache # apt-get install kamaki # apt-get install snf-pithos-backend # apt-get install snf-cyclades-app In `/etc/synnefo/cyclades.conf` add: .. code-block:: console MAX_CIDR_BLOCK = 21 PUBLIC_USE_POOL = True MAX_VMS_PER_USER = 5 VMS_USER_QUOTA = { 'user@example.com': 20, } MAX_NETWORKS_PER_USER = 3 NETWORKS_USER_QUOTA = { 'user@example.com': 10 } CPU_BAR_GRAPH_URL = 'https://cyclades.example.com/stats/%s/cpu-bar.png' CPU_TIMESERIES_GRAPH_URL = 'https://cyclades.example.com/stats/%s/cpu-ts.png' NET_BAR_GRAPH_URL = 'https://cyclades.example.com/stats/%s/net-bar.png' NET_TIMESERIES_GRAPH_URL = 'https://cyclades.example.com/stats/%s/net-ts.png' GANETI_DISK_TEMPLATES = ('blockdev', 'diskless', 'drbd', 'file', 'plain', 'rbd', 'sharedfile', 'ext') ASTAKOS_URL = 'https://accounts.example.com/im/authenticate' SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY= "oEs0pt7Di1mkxA0P6FiK" GANETI_CREATEINSTANCE_KWARGS = { 'os': 'snf-image+default', 'hvparams': {'serial_console': False}, 'wait_for_sync': False} GANETI_USE_HOTPLUG = True CLOUDBAR_LOCATION = 'https://accounts.example.com/static/im/cloudbar/' CLOUDBAR_ACTIVE_SERVICE = '2' CLOUDBAR_SERVICES_URL = 'https://accounts.example.com/im/get_services' CLOUDBAR_MENU_URL = 'https://accounts.example.com/im/get_menu' BACKEND_DB_CONNECTION = 'postgresql://synnefo:example_passw0rd@db.example.com:5432/snf_pithos' BACKEND_BLOCK_PATH = '/srv/pithos/data/' AMQP_HOSTS = ["amqp://synnefo:example_rabbitmq_passw0rd@mq.example.com:5672"] TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000 UI_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2000 FEEDBACK_CONTACTS = ( ('feedback@example.com', 'feedback@example.com'), ) UI_LOGIN_URL = "https://accounts.example.com/im/login" UI_LOGOUT_URL = "https://accounts.example.com/im/logout" UI_FLAVORS_DISK_TEMPLATES_INFO = { 'rbd': {'name': 'Rbd', 'description': 'Volumes residing inside a RADOS cluster'}, 'plain': {'name': 'Local', 'description': 'Fast, not high available local storage (LVM)'}, 'drbd': {'name': 'Standard', 'description': 'High available persistent storage (DRBD)'}, 'ext_vlmc': {'name': 'Tmp', 'description': 'Volatile storage'}, } UI_SUPPORT_SSH_OS_LIST = ['debian', 'fedora', 'okeanos', 'ubuntu', 'kubuntu', 'centos', 'archlinux', 'gentoo'] UI_SYSTEM_IMAGES_OWNERS = { 'images@okeanos.io': 'system', } CACHE_BACKEND = 'memcached://' VMAPI_BASE_URL = 'https://cyclades.example.com/' CYCLADES_QUOTAHOLDER_TOKEN = '1234' CYCLADES_QUOTAHOLDER_URL = 'https://qh.example.com/quotaholder/v' CYCLADES_USE_QUOTAHOLDER = True CYCLADES_ASTAKOS_SERVICE_TOKEN = "XXXXXXXXXX" CYCLADES_USER_CATALOG_URL = 'https://accounts.example.com/user_catalogs' UI_SYSTEM_IMAGES_OWNERS = { 'admin@synnefo.gr': 'system', 'images@synnefo.gr': 'system' } XXXXXXXX is the token for cyclades registered service and can be found in astakos node running: .. code-block:: console snf-manage service-list Restart services and initialize database: .. code-block:: console # /etc/init.d/gunicorn restart # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart # snf-manage syncdb # snf-manage migrate --delete-ghost-migrations # snf-manage loaddata flavors Enable dispatcher: .. code-block:: console # sed -i 's/false/true/' /etc/default/snf-dispatcher # /etc/init.d/snf-dispatcher start In order end-user to have access to the VM's console: .. code-block:: console # apt-get install snf-vncauthproxy Edit `/etc/default/vncauthproxy`: .. code-block:: console CHUID="www-data:nogroup" At this point you should setup a :ref:`backend `. Please refer to the coresponding section. Here we assume that at least one backend is up and running, so we can add it in Cyclades with: .. code-block:: console # snf-manage backend-add --clustername=ganeti.example.com --user=synnefo --pass=example_rapi_passw0rd After 0.13 every backend added stays in drained mode (no VMs can be added). Therefore get your backend ID (propably 1) and run: .. code-block:: console # snf-manage backend-list # snf-manage backend-modify --drained=False 1 Further assumptions: - Preprovisioned Bridges: ``br0``, ``prv0``, ``prv1..prv20`` - Available "public" Subnet: ```` - Available "public" Gateway: ```` - Connectivity link for public network: ``br0`` Here admin has to define two different resource pools in Synnefo: - MAC prefix Pool - Bridge Pool .. code-block:: console # snf-manage pool-create --type=mac-prefix --base=aa:00:0 --size=65536 # snf-manage pool-create --type=bridge --base=prv --size=20 Add the synnefo setting in :file:`/etc/synnefo/cyclades.conf`: .. code-block:: console DEFAULT_MAC_FILTERED_BRIDGE = 'prv0' Add public network where the VM's will eventually connect to in order to access Internet: .. code-block:: console # snf-manage network-create --subnet= --gateway= --public --dhcp --flavor=CUSTOM --mode=bridged --link=br0 --name=Internet --backend-id=1 Test your Setup: ++++++++++++++++ In cyclades node run: .. code-block:: console snf-manage backend-list snf-manage network-list snf-manage server-list Visit https://cyclades.example.com/ui/ and create a VM or network.