.. _astakosclient: Component astakosclient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Synnefo component astakosclient_ defines a default client for the `Astakos `_ service. It is designed to be simple and minimal, hence easy to debug and test. It uses the user's authentication token to query Astakos for: * User's info * Usernames for given UUIDs * UUIDs for given usernames * User's quotas It can also query Astakos with another service's (Cyclades or Pithos) authentication token for: * Usernames for given UUIDs * UUIDs for given usernames * Quotas for all related resources * Issue commissions * Get pending commissions * Accept or reject commissions Additionally, there are options for using the `objpool `_ library to pool the http connections. Basic example ============= The ``astakosclient`` module provides the ``AstakosClient`` class. This section demonstrates how to get user's info using ``astakosclient``. .. code-block:: python from astakosclient import AstakosClient client = AstakosClient("UQpYas7ElzWGD5yCcEXtjw", "https://accounts.example.com") user_info = client.authenticate() print user_info['access']['user']['id'] Another example where we ask for the username of a user with UUID: ``b3de8eb0-3958-477e-als9-789af8dd352c`` .. code-block:: python from astakosclient import AstakosClient client = AstakosClient("UQpYas7ElzWGD5yCcEXtjw", "https://accounts.example.com") username = client.get_username("b3de8eb0-3958-477e-als9-789af8dd352c") print username Classes and functions ===================== This section describes in depth the API of ``astakosclient``. Astakos Client -------------- *class* astakosclient.\ **AstakosClient(**\ token, auth_url, retry=0, use_pool=False, pool_size=8, logger=None\ **)** Initialize an instance of **AstakosClient** given the Authentication Url *auth_url* and the Token *token*. Optionally one can specify if we are going to use a pool, the pool_size and the number of retries if the connection fails. This class provides the following methods: **authenticate(**\ tenant_name=None\ **)** It authenticates the user and returns information about the user, their token as well as the service endpoints one can access. In case of error, it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **get_usernames(**\ uuids\ **)** Given a list of UUIDs it returns a uuid_catalog, that is a dictionary with the given UUIDs as keys and the corresponding user names as values. Invalid UUIDs will not be in the dictionary. In case of error, it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **get_username(**\ uuid\ **)** Given a UUID (as string) it returns the corresponding user name (as string). In case of invalid UUID it raises NoUserName exception. In case of error, it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **service_get_usernames(**\ uuids\ **)** Same as get_usernames but used with service tokens. **service_get_username(**\ uuid\ **)** Same as get_username but used with service tokens. **get_uuids(**\ display_names\ **)** Given a list of usernames it returns a displayname_catalog, that is a dictionary with the given usernames as keys and the corresponding UUIDs as values. Invalid usernames will not be in the dictionary. In case of error, it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **get_uuid(**\ display_name\ **)** Given a username (as string) it returns the corresponding UUID (as string). In case of invalid user name it raises NoUUID exception. In case of error, it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **service_get_uuids(**\ uuids\ **)** Same as get_uuids but used with service tokens. **service_get_uuid(**\ uuid\ **)** Same as get_uuid but used with service tokens. **get_services()** Return a list of dicts with the registered services. **get_resources()** Return a list of dicts with the available resources **send_feedback(**\ message, data\ **)** Send some feedback to astakos service. Additional information about the service client status can be given in the data variable. In case of success it returns nothing. Otherwise it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **get_endpoints()** It returns the services URLs one can access. In case of error it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **get_quotas()** It returns user's current quotas (as dict of dicts). In case of error it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **service_get_quotas(**\ user=None, project_id=None\ **)** It returns all users' current quotas for the resources associated with the service (as dict of dicts of dicts). Optionally, one can query the quotas of a specific user with argument user=UUID (or a list of UUID). Likewise one can specify a project (or a list of projects). In case of error it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **service_get_project_quotas(**\ project_id=None\ **)** It returns all projects' current quotas for the resources associated with the service (as dict of dicts). Optionally, one can query the quotas of a specific project with argument project_id=UUID (or a list of UUID). In case of error it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **issue_commission_generic(**\ user_provisions, project_provisions, name="", force=False, auto_accept=False\ **)** Issue a commission. User provisions are specified as a dict from (user, project, resource) to int; project provisions as a dict from (project, resource) to int. In case of success return commission's id (int). Otherwise raise an AstakosClientException exception. **issue_one_commission(**\ holder, source, provisions, name="", force=False, auto_accept=False\ **)** Issue a commission. We have to specify the holder, the source and the provisions (a dict from string to int) and astakosclient will create the corresponding commission. In case of success it returns commission's id (int). Otherwise it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **issue_resource_reassignment(**\ holder, provisions, name="", force=False, auto_accept=False\ **)** Change resource assignment to another project **get_pending_commissions()** It returns the pending commissions (list of integers). In case of error it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **get_commission_info(**\ serial\ **)** Given the id of a pending commission return a dict of dicts containting informations (details) about the requested commission. In case of error it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **commission_action(**\ serial, action\ **)** Given the id of a pending commission, request the specified action (currently one of accept, reject). In case of success it returns nothing. Otherwise it raises an AstakosClientException exception. **accept_commission(**\ serial\ **)** Accept a pending commission (see commission_action). **reject_commission(**\ serial\ **)** Reject a pending commission (see commission_action). **resolve_commissions(**\ accept_serials, reject_serials\ **)** Accept or Reject many pending commissions at once. In case of success return a dict of dicts describing which commissions accepted, which rejected and which failed to resolved. Otherwise raise an AstakosClientException exception. **get_projects(**\ name=None, state=None, owner=None, mode=None\ **)** Retrieve all accessible projects **get_project(**\ project_id\ **)** Retrieve project description, if accessible **create_project(**\ specs\ **)** Submit application to create a new project **modify_project(**\ project_id, specs\ **)** Submit application to modify an existing project **project_action(**\ project_id, action, reason=""\ **)** Perform action on a project **application_action(**\ project_id, app_id, action, reason=""\ **)** Perform action on a project application **get_memberships(**\ project_id=None\ **)** Retrieve all accessible memberships **get_membership(**\ memb_id\ **)** Retrieve membership description, if accessible **membership_action(**\ memb_id, action, reason=""\ **)** Perform action on a membership **join_project(**\ project_id\ **)** Join a project **enroll_member(**\ project_id, email\ **)** Enroll a user in a project Public Functions ---------------- **get_token_from_cookie(**\ request, cookie_name\ **)** Given a Django request object and an Astakos cookie name extract the user's token from it. **parse_endpoints(**\ endpoints, ep_name=None, ep_type=None, ep_region=None, ep_version_id=None\ **)** Parse the endpoints (acquired using *get_endpoints*) and extract the ones needed. Return only the endpoints that match all of the given criterias. If no match is found then raise NoEndpoints exception. Exceptions and Errors ===================== *exception* **AstakosClientException** Raised in case of an error. It contains an error message and the corresponding http status code. Other exceptions raised by astakosclient module are derived from this one. *exception* **BadValue** A redefinition of ValueError exception under AstakosClientException. *exception* **InvalidResponse** This exception is raised whenever the server's response is not valid json (cannot be parsed by simplejson library). *exception* **BadRequest** Raised in case of a Bad Request, with status 400. *exception* **Unauthorized** Raised in case of Invalid token (unauthorized access), with status 401. *exception* **Forbidden** The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Status 401. *exception* **NotFound** The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. Status 404. *exception* **QuotaLimit** Quantity fell below zero or exceeded capacity in one of the holdings. *exception* **NoUserName** Raised by getDisplayName and getServiceDisplayName when an invalid UUID was given. *exception* **NoUUID** Raised by *getUUID* and *getServiceUUID* when an invalid username was given. *exception* **NoEndpoints** Raised by *parse_endpoints* when no endpoints found matching the given criteria.