.. _routed: Routed Setup ------------ In the following section we are going to describe how we can achieve a routed setup for a specific subnet across the data center. We distinguish here two ways to do that: 1) All nodes are going to host VMs (VMC) and one separate node will be the external router (Gateway). 2) All nodes are going to host VMs (VMC) and one of them will also be the external router (Gateway). Whether the external router will do NAT or not depends on whether we have a public route-able subnet available or just a single node with internet access. For the next examples we assume that the route-able subnet will be ````, the gateway ````, nodes primary interface will be ``eth0`` while VM traffic will go through ``eth0.0`` physical VLAN. Of course ``eth0.222`` can be substituted with a separate physical interface (e.g. ``eth1``). All examples use `/etc/networ/interfaces` file, the common way for configuring static interfaces under Debian. .. _routed-conf: Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For a VMC that will just forward traffic to an external router the proposed setup is: .. code-block:: console auto eth0.222 iface eth0.222 inet manual up ip link set eth0.222 up # Host can reach VMs in other hosts up ip route add dev eth0.222 # Incoming traffic will be routed via extra table up ip rule add iif eth0.222 lookup 222 # VM-to-VM traffic will go direct through VLAN up ip route add dev eth0.222 table 222 # Outgoing VM traffic will go through external router on VLAN up ip route add default via dev eth0.222 table 222 # Enable proxy ARP and forwarding up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0.222/proxy_arp up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0.222/forwarding # Mangle ARP request originating from the host up arptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0.222 --opcode request -j mangle --mangle-ip-s down arptables -D OUTPUT -o eth0.222 --opcode request -j mangle down ip rule del iif eth0.222 lookup 222 Of course instead of `222` routing table we could alias it with a more reasonable name (e.g. `snf_routed`): .. code-block:: console echo 222 snf_routed >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables For a node that acts **only** as a router we have: .. code-block:: console auto eth0.222 iface eth0.222 inet manual up ip link set eth0.222 up # Add gateway address to the interface up ip addr add dev eth0.222 # Enable forwarding and NAT up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0.222/forwarding up iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE down iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE For a node that acts both as a router and a VMC we have: .. code-block:: console auto eth0.222 iface eth0.222 inet manual up ip link set eth0.222 up # Outgoing VM traffic is routed via extra table up ip rule add iif eth0.222 lookup 222 # Host-to-VM traffic is routed via extra table up ip rule add to lookup 222 # VM-to-VM and Router-to-VM traffic will go direct through VLAN up ip route add dev eth0.222 table 222 # Add gateway address to the interface up ip addr add dev eth0.222 up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0.222/proxy_arp up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0.222/forwarding up iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE down iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE down ip rule del to lookup 222 In order to use a more compact `interfaces` file, custom scripts should be used for ifup/ifdown since this setup is not a common practice. Currently these scripts are included only as examples in snf-network package but soon will be provided by `snf-network-helper`. Please see `interfaces` example along with `vmrouter.ifup`, `vmrouter.ifdown`. .. _routed-traffic: Routed Traffic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here we break down all stages of networking and analyze how we connectivity is actually achieved. To do so let's first assume the following: * ``IP`` is the instance's IP * ``GW_IP`` is the external router's IP * ``NODE_IP`` is the node's IP * ``ARP_IP`` is a dummy IP inside the network needed for proxy ARP * ``MAC`` is the instance's MAC * ``TAP_MAC`` is the TAP's MAC * ``DEV_MAC`` is the host's DEV MAC * ``GW_MAC`` is the external router's MAC * ``DEV`` is the node's device that the router is visible from * ``TAP`` is the host interface connected with the instance's eth0 Proxy ARP """"""""" Since we suppose to be on the same link with the router, ARP takes place first: 1) The VM wants to know the GW_MAC. Since the traffic is routed we do proxy ARP. - ARP, Request who-has GW_IP tell IP - ARP, Reply GW_IP is-at TAP_MAC ``echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/conf/TAP/proxy_arp`` - So `arp -na` inside the VM shows: ``(GW_IP) at TAP_MAC [ether] on eth0`` 2) The host wants to know the GW_MAC. Since the node does **not** have an IP inside the network we use the dummy one specified above. - ARP, Request who-has GW_IP tell ARP_IP (Created by DEV) ``arptables -I OUTPUT -o DEV --opcode 1 -j mangle --mangle-ip-s ARP_IP`` - ARP, Reply GW_IP is-at GW_MAC 3) The host wants to know MAC so that it can proxy it. - We simulate here that the VM sees **only** GW on the link. - ARP, Request who-has IP tell GW_IP (Created by TAP) ``arptables -I OUTPUT -o TAP --opcode 1 -j mangle --mangle-ip-s GW_IP`` - So `arp -na` inside the host shows: ``(GW_IP) at GW_MAC [ether] on DEV, (IP) at MAC on TAP`` 4) GW wants to know who does proxy for IP. - ARP, Request who-has IP tell GW_IP - ARP, Reply IP is-at DEV_MAC (Created by host's DEV) When an interface gets up inside a host we should invalidate all entries related to its IP among other nodes and the router. Specifically we use: ``arpsend -U -c 1 -i IP DEV``. L3 Routing """""""""" With the above we have a working proxy ARP configuration. The rest is done via simple L3 routing. We assume the following: * ``TABLE`` is the extra routing table * ``SUBNET`` is the IPv4 subnet where the VM's IP resides 1) Outgoing traffic: - Traffic coming out of TAP is routed via TABLE ``ip rule add dev TAP table TABLE`` - TABLE states that default route is GW_IP via DEV ``ip route add default via GW_IP dev DEV`` 2) Incoming traffic: - Packet arrives at router - Router knows from proxy ARP that the IP is at DEV_MAC. - Router sends Ethernet packet with tgt DEV_MAC - Host receives the packet from DEV interface - Traffic coming out DEV is routed via TABLE ``ip rule add dev DEV table TABLE`` - Traffic targeting IP is routed to TAP ``ip route add IP dev TAP`` 3) Host to VM traffic: - Impossible if the VM resides in the host - If router is also VMC there is a rule for it: ``ip rule to SUBNET lookup TABLE`` - Otherwise there is a route for it: ``ip route add SUBNET dev DEV`` IPv6 ^^^^ The IPv6 setup is pretty similar but instead of proxy ARP we have proxy NDP and RS and NS coming from TAP are served by nfdhpcd. RA contain network's prefix and have M flag unset in order the VM to obtain its IP6 via SLAAC, and O flag set to obtain static info (nameservers, domain search list) via DHCPv6 (also served by nfdhcpd). Again the VM sees only the TAP interface as router and the only neighbor on its link local space. The host must proxy the VM's IPv6 ``ip -6 neigh add EUI64 dev DEV``. When an interface gets up inside a host we should invalidate all entries related to its IPv6 among other nodes and the router. Specifically we use: ``ndsend EUI64 DEV`` . An example interface file for the case where host is only VMC could be: .. code-block:: console auto eth0.222 iface eth0.222 inet6 manual up ip link set eth0.222 up up ip -6 route add 2001:db8::/64 dev eth0.222 up ip -6 route add 2001:db8::/64 dev eth0.222 table 222 up ip -6 route add default via 2001:db8::1 dev eth0.222 table 222 up ip -6 rule add iif eth0.222 lookup 222 up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0.222/proxy_ndp down ip -6 rule del iif eth0.222 lookup 222